USS Ares Starfleet Chapter

The USS Ares chapter of Starfleet International

For over four decades, STARFLEET has provided Star Trek fans a way to make friends, have fun, give back to their communities, and show that the dream of Gene Roddenberry can live long and prosper.  On the local level, members can gather with other fans for a variety of enjoyable activities.  On the international level, STARFLEET offers our members a wealth of resources that cannot be found in any other Star Trek fan club.  In addition to a great set of membership materials and our regularly-published newsletter, STARFLEET offers members the chance to get involved with STARFLEET Academy, the STARFLEET Marine Corps, the Department of Technical Services, and much, much more.  We even have a group of academic monetary scholarships that are awarded to deserving STARFLEET members each year.

The USS Ares Chapter of Starfleet is based in Atlanta, Georgia and composed of fans of Axanar, the legendary Star Trek fan film.  We are all serious but fun Star trek fans, and everyone in the chapter gets the chance to visit Ares Studios and the USS Ares bridge set.  We have events like Axacon, at the studio, and while our meetings are virtual now, when we are all vaccinated, we will get back to regular meetings!

Please interact with us on our Facebook Group!

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